Scavenger Hunt

    Greetings my fellow ARTF200X students. Welcome to my art blog. I'm Alex and I live in Valdez where I enjoy exploring nature, writing fiction, and making videos. I work as a caregiver for a non-profit, which has given me the opportunity to make friends with some wonderful people. My greatest passion is for writing, but I intend to pursue a practical career in filmmaking as a cinematographer or editor. You are welcome to check out my YouTube channel if you'd like to see some of what I've been up to.

Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

    Circe Invidiosa by John William Waterhouse depicts one of my favorite Greek myths. Wisely, I think, Waterhouse chose to focus on Circe's profound jealousy rather than Scylla's transformation, evoking an emotional response over making a spectacle. Waterhouse, alongside other painters associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood are among my favorites for their expressive details. You can learn more about the Pre-Raphaelites in Jennifer Meagher's essay for The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

    My blossoming personal collection includes numerous paintings by local artists and a large print of Gustav Klimt's The Kiss, which I recently scored at a garage sale. I've always had an appreciation for art of all kinds, but I'm not a particularly skilled creator of it. I've made some fractal animation videos, but I think of the process behind them as more like discovering pre-existing art and sharing it rather than wholly creating it.

    Thank you for reading! I wish you all an enlightening and successful semester.

Works Cited


  1. Wow, excellent post. Without appreciation for art, art would have no purpose. I enjoy the way you describe your preferences and make them accessible to the reader. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you friend! I appreciate that you went above and beyond just leaving a test comment.

  2. Nice job on your videos. I joke with folks that while I am a trained and experienced music educator, I now make money editing videos. I have been consistently posting tutorials on YouTube for over 2 years. I love Klimt and Waterhouse, too. Good garage sale score.

  3. Samantha WooldridgeMay 17, 2021 at 9:56 PM

    Hey Alex,
    I enjoyed your videos, you do a wonderful job with your youtube account. I'm not a huge art fan but look forward to reading more of your blogs. Good luck this semester!

  4. Hi Alex! Thank you for sharing the great video! I can't wait to hear more from you as the semester continues!

  5. Hey Alex,
    I think it's awesome that you have a youtube channel. A lot of people (myself included) always think and dream of having a youtube channel, but few follow through on it. Its also neat that you have an art colection. The closest thing I have to art are some posters hanging in my room.

  6. Hi Alex,
    I am a case manager for a non- profit here in Fairbanks. I love this field so much. I started as a caregiver. It is truly a wonderful job for meeting people and flexibility for students. I appreciate you saying that you enjoy art but not a killed creator. I can relate to this statement. However, I felt like your video was creative and beautiful. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to working with you more.

  7. Interesting choice of artwork, Alex. I chose a Greek piece for my intro as well. I have a grasp of their history but mostly the sociopolitical aspects and hadn't really considered researching their religious beliefs beyond a few of their iconic and legendary heroes. This piece shows how vastly different their beliefs and spirituality are from modern day religion.


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